Dr. HP Kumar

Speaker Profile: Dr. HP Kumar

Director, External Affairs - Power2SME Pvt Ltd & Former CMD - NSIC

Dr. H.P. Kumar is Director External Affairs at Power2SME and he is spearheading the organization’s objective of building alliance network in the industry. Dr. Kumar will design innovative programmes and framework to enhance Power2SME’s value proposition for SMEs, Suppliers and financial institutions. With rich experience in leading successful and profitable campaigns to benefit SMEs, Dr. Kumar comes with deep knowledge of SME market. Dr. Kumar has extensive experience in dealing with promotion, development and financing of MSMEs, exports and other small & large projects. Prior to joining Power2SME.

He was the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of NSIC (National Small Industries Corporation), a govt. of India enterprise engaged in development and financing of SMEs in India. Under his leadership, NSIC was able to achieve a turnover of 17400 crores and became a dividend paying entity with an excellent MOU rating continuously for 7 years, a spectacular shift, from a loss making CPSU prior to his successful tenure.

Dr. L K Pandey

Speaker Profile: Dr. L K Pandey

Elected CEC Member, Indian Industries Association, MD/CEO, Global Food and Agribusiness Advisory, New Delhi

Dr Pandey is an Agribusiness Professional with more than 30 years of experience with majority of experience in Seed Industry and allied sector of Food production and processing.

Currently heading the Delhi Chapter of IIA and spearheading various advisory initiatives for the members at State & Central Govt. authorities. He has been really proactive in addressing the issues and challenges and responding to the issue of immediate attention.


Speaker Profile: Dr.(Er.) G.C.TRIPATHI


G.C. Tripathi is a Technical / Financial / Procurement & Contract Expert with more than 40 years of experience of working with Government Sectors ( 34 years) , Private Sector and various multi-lateral funding agencies such as World Bank, ADB etc. I have extensive experience of delivering multi-faceted Industries / Infrastructure projects such as  Water, Roads, Sanitation, Power & Electiricty, Smart Cities , Smark Parks , Smart Roads, Smart Parkings,  Smart Transportation , Electric Buses etc. for Urban Development  with Government and Private agencies over the years.  He is a Master Trainer-ZED ( Zero Effect & Zero Defects) for MSMEs. He has completed training on ZED – MSEs -MASTER TRAINER & CONSULTANTS  from Quality Council of India , Delhi and Ministry of MSMEs , Govt. of INDIA , New Delhi.

He is B. TECH. ,M.B.A. (Finance) , P.G.  in Environment and Sustainable Development. (P.G.D.E.S.D)  and PRINCE-2 (PROJECT MANAGEMENT).

He is a Guest Faculty with Ministry of MSMEs (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) Govt. of India and  has been invited as Guest at Noida, Ghaziabad & Delhi for Skill Development Programmes and at various technical discourse sessions as a subject expert on Skill Development for Setting up new Industries & financial help for existing Industries and Working Capital requirements, Project Finance and infrastructure by District Industries Centres, Udyog Bandhu,  Ministries, World Bank and ADB and has extensive experience of interdisciplinary engineering related trainings and technologies.

He has worked as Vice President, Senior Vice President & PRESIDENT at ENGINEER’S CLUB at Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) associating Engineers from Government sectors and Private sectors and maintaining Hormonial relations among Govt/Private Sectors. The Membership of club just doubled within one year during tenure as President of Engineer’s Club.

He is currently a member of ASSOCHAM on Food Processing and Value Addition Committee, Telecom, Smart Cities, Climate Change and has delivered multiple lectures and trainings on the subject matter of urban infrastructure, smart cities and industrial development. Strong grass roots understanding of industries and ability to successfully execute numerous industrial setups is his special forte. I am Climate Reality Leader associated with CLIMATE REALITY PROJECT OF AL-GORE ( Ex Vice – President of USA).

As SMART CITY CONSULTANT , He has submitted Project for Procurement of Electric Buses to Government for Eco-friendly transportation under SMART CITY Project of Govt. of INDIA , Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, New Delhi. Procured Bus Shelters under Single Source Process for Smart City at DHARAMSHALA (Himachal Pradesh).